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April 11, 2019

My first swinger club encounter

My first swinger club encounter


We were on girl’s trip to the most amazing capital city of Europe, Berlin. It was indeed a special trip for me and my fellow companion as we hadn’t been to Berlin before. Apart from roaming around the city we wanted to see the night life there. We heard from friends about the vivid and colourful life of Berlin, so we googled some places and picked the top one to sneak peek in. Although the place had ‘no phone’ and ‘no camera’ policy, we were still concerned about the dress code of the place. 

It was a Sunday night, not so usual for party crowd. In the spirit of adventure, I found myself walking in a Swinger's club with my girl ‘the birthday babe’. The place seemed pretty low from outside with tinted glass doors and no sign outside. The door was locked so we had to buzz in. It was 10 Euros for single ladies and stags were not allowed, unfortunately. It was definitely my first time, not only was I nervous but I realized as I walked in that I was dressed too much for the place. On the reception we put our coats, cell phones and extra set of clothes. People were literally undressing on the entrance and putting their best party appropriate dresses, basically all sorts of designer lingerie to be more precise.

It had two floors and a basement- first floor for dancing, second floor and the dungeon for ‘play’. Literally and figuratively beds and big couches everywhere. The walls were covered with insane pornographic graffiti. We headed first to the dance floor, there were maybe 20 people sitting around and double the number on the dance floor. We sat and watched one video screen with professional strippers and other was hard core porn - which I was so uncomfortable watching. We headed to the bar area and like in normal club we were offered free drinks by two strangers, whom I tried to completely avoid for the rest of night, maybe the guilt of not offering anything in return of free drinks.

We were there not to hook up with strangers but to watch and experience the place. When I walked in, I was so nervous to make any eye contact with anyone. As we went further, there was this man who looked like he was in his late 40's in linen pants and leather tank top walking around in jogging shoes. I just got this predator vibe from him so I stuck closer to my babe. Then the weirdo said "Sexy Dress" and without making any eye contact I said "Thanks" Whew! That was close.

After all the awkward looks from others, the nervous talk and spending couple of minutes exploring dance floor, we walked upstairs and found 3 people involved in action. I couldn't believe my eyes! Butt Naked! I had never seen other people having sex live in the flesh. So we left the area for them and peeked in the other sections with sofas and mattresses on the ground where couples were giving each other oral sex. We found a seat right next to this big round bed where we observed everyone else for a while. It was really distracting to have any conversation when someone on your back was moaning in orgasm. It was like escaping an erotic scene in the middle while watching a film with the whole family. I was trying to pretend that nothing unusual was happening around us.

After a small discussion, I left my babe on her own to let explore, going back and forth by different rooms and floors. I have always had a curious mind related to designing a space. I was thinking in my deep thought if someday, I would have to design a club like this, what would be the best and worst layout and plan. Silly me, I know! After exploring the pool area and unisex toilet, I was standing right by the masseuse who was rubbing his feet. Then he said "Sexy dress! You should get a deep tissue massage!" I replied "No thanks, I just had it done last week and I have these back pain and only my personal massage therapist could fix that". After I said that I thought WTF was I talking about? I did not know what to say but I definitely didn't want the massage that he was "referring" to! Then I bumped in to one US couple, who offered me to join them in a threesome, I politely declined. They were pretty nice to share their last night experience having interesting time in Berlin. They were nice enough to buy me a drink; I believe they liked my conversation or my ‘discussion only’ company.

Finally, I found the best corner on the pool area from where I could observe everything. A guy approached me with cigarettes (I refused); he seemed sober and was a regular guest of the club. He introduced me to the owner of the club. He told me about his tenure and experiences in the club, described me the history of Berlin, explained about his business and whole lot of other stuff when I lost track of conversation, as I was observing others. In the midst of all that there were two couples right by each other - the ladies giving the men BJs. The men must have come at the same time because the next thing I saw was them screaming like they were in a football game giving each other high fives. OMG! All that fluid exchange was not cool!

My birthday babe finally came after two and half hour to rescue me, it was 5 am already. We wanted to go back to hotel as next day or if I say, in few hours we had to catch our flight back home. I must have forgotten in gloomy and erotic mood of the swinger club. We collected back our belongings and were asked by reception ladies about our experience in the club. I don’t know how they found out that it was our first time.

Even on the taxi back to hotel, my thoughts were still at the club pondering on the events of last few hours.  I was glad that I came to experience something that I watched only on porn website, things that are taboo in my world. I wondered why I hadn’t come there earlier in my life to explore this side of the world. I think I would come back again, but not sure when!!

My first swinger club encounter

My first swinger club encounter Picasso We were on girl’s trip to the most amazing capital city of Europe, Berlin. It w...