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April 11, 2019

My first swinger club encounter

My first swinger club encounter


We were on girl’s trip to the most amazing capital city of Europe, Berlin. It was indeed a special trip for me and my fellow companion as we hadn’t been to Berlin before. Apart from roaming around the city we wanted to see the night life there. We heard from friends about the vivid and colourful life of Berlin, so we googled some places and picked the top one to sneak peek in. Although the place had ‘no phone’ and ‘no camera’ policy, we were still concerned about the dress code of the place. 

It was a Sunday night, not so usual for party crowd. In the spirit of adventure, I found myself walking in a Swinger's club with my girl ‘the birthday babe’. The place seemed pretty low from outside with tinted glass doors and no sign outside. The door was locked so we had to buzz in. It was 10 Euros for single ladies and stags were not allowed, unfortunately. It was definitely my first time, not only was I nervous but I realized as I walked in that I was dressed too much for the place. On the reception we put our coats, cell phones and extra set of clothes. People were literally undressing on the entrance and putting their best party appropriate dresses, basically all sorts of designer lingerie to be more precise.

It had two floors and a basement- first floor for dancing, second floor and the dungeon for ‘play’. Literally and figuratively beds and big couches everywhere. The walls were covered with insane pornographic graffiti. We headed first to the dance floor, there were maybe 20 people sitting around and double the number on the dance floor. We sat and watched one video screen with professional strippers and other was hard core porn - which I was so uncomfortable watching. We headed to the bar area and like in normal club we were offered free drinks by two strangers, whom I tried to completely avoid for the rest of night, maybe the guilt of not offering anything in return of free drinks.

We were there not to hook up with strangers but to watch and experience the place. When I walked in, I was so nervous to make any eye contact with anyone. As we went further, there was this man who looked like he was in his late 40's in linen pants and leather tank top walking around in jogging shoes. I just got this predator vibe from him so I stuck closer to my babe. Then the weirdo said "Sexy Dress" and without making any eye contact I said "Thanks" Whew! That was close.

After all the awkward looks from others, the nervous talk and spending couple of minutes exploring dance floor, we walked upstairs and found 3 people involved in action. I couldn't believe my eyes! Butt Naked! I had never seen other people having sex live in the flesh. So we left the area for them and peeked in the other sections with sofas and mattresses on the ground where couples were giving each other oral sex. We found a seat right next to this big round bed where we observed everyone else for a while. It was really distracting to have any conversation when someone on your back was moaning in orgasm. It was like escaping an erotic scene in the middle while watching a film with the whole family. I was trying to pretend that nothing unusual was happening around us.

After a small discussion, I left my babe on her own to let explore, going back and forth by different rooms and floors. I have always had a curious mind related to designing a space. I was thinking in my deep thought if someday, I would have to design a club like this, what would be the best and worst layout and plan. Silly me, I know! After exploring the pool area and unisex toilet, I was standing right by the masseuse who was rubbing his feet. Then he said "Sexy dress! You should get a deep tissue massage!" I replied "No thanks, I just had it done last week and I have these back pain and only my personal massage therapist could fix that". After I said that I thought WTF was I talking about? I did not know what to say but I definitely didn't want the massage that he was "referring" to! Then I bumped in to one US couple, who offered me to join them in a threesome, I politely declined. They were pretty nice to share their last night experience having interesting time in Berlin. They were nice enough to buy me a drink; I believe they liked my conversation or my ‘discussion only’ company.

Finally, I found the best corner on the pool area from where I could observe everything. A guy approached me with cigarettes (I refused); he seemed sober and was a regular guest of the club. He introduced me to the owner of the club. He told me about his tenure and experiences in the club, described me the history of Berlin, explained about his business and whole lot of other stuff when I lost track of conversation, as I was observing others. In the midst of all that there were two couples right by each other - the ladies giving the men BJs. The men must have come at the same time because the next thing I saw was them screaming like they were in a football game giving each other high fives. OMG! All that fluid exchange was not cool!

My birthday babe finally came after two and half hour to rescue me, it was 5 am already. We wanted to go back to hotel as next day or if I say, in few hours we had to catch our flight back home. I must have forgotten in gloomy and erotic mood of the swinger club. We collected back our belongings and were asked by reception ladies about our experience in the club. I don’t know how they found out that it was our first time.

Even on the taxi back to hotel, my thoughts were still at the club pondering on the events of last few hours.  I was glad that I came to experience something that I watched only on porn website, things that are taboo in my world. I wondered why I hadn’t come there earlier in my life to explore this side of the world. I think I would come back again, but not sure when!!

March 5, 2019

Fat day or Fettisdagen or Semla day

Here comes the famous Swedish fettisdagen; like kanelbullensdagkladdkakansdagLussekatt; this day is associated with special sweet pastry ‘semla’.Semla is the main attraction of this day and can be seen everywhere from offices to local bakeries. If you haven’t tried it yet, then this is the best day totake a step towards Swedish food culture, but beware it is not all healthy and yes you will get fat. As the name suggests, 'Fat day' will get you fat but don't worry it would be just few grams. This year it’s today, 5th of March, but it could occur on any Tuesday between 3rd of February and 9th March depending on when Easter Sunday is.
The traditions of semla are rooted in fettisdag (Shrove Tuesday, or Fat Tuesday) when the buns were eaten at a last celebratory feast before the Christian fasting period of Lent. The old story behind this day was at that regular bread had been eaten even in ancient times and around 1500 century Swedes started to scoop out the bread and filled it with cream. In the middle of 1800 they started using almond paste and the bread turned into a bun. At the end of 1800 they started to cut off the top and put the paste inside the bun. It was not until 1930´s that they started eating the bun with whipped cream. It waseaten together with hot milk and used to be called ’Hetvägg’ (Hot wall). When the cafés started serving the cream bun together with coffee and today it isequally popular to eat the cream-bun with milk or coffee .

What is a Semla?
A small, wheat flour bun, flavored with cardamom and filled with almond paste and whipped cream.
Recipe for making Semla:
For: 10 servings
Total time: ca. 90 min

Ingredients: 100 g butter, 1 cup milk, 25 g yeast, 2 eggs, 1 dl sugar, 3 cups flour, 1 tsp cardamom, 0.5 tsp salt
Fillings: 1 cup whipping cream (0.6 cup whipped cream/pers), 100 g almond paste (10 g/pers), 3-5 tbsp milk (ca 0.5 tbsp/per)
  • Crumble the yeast in to a bowl.
  • Melt the butter and pour over the milk. Make sure the mixture is 37 degree centigrade.
  • Stir the mixture into the bowl with the yeast.
  • Add 1 egg, sugar, salt, cardamom and flour .
  • Process the dough for at least 10 min.
  • Let it rest for 30-40 min.
  • Knead dough on a lightly floured surface. Divide into ca 10 equal pieces and form the pieces into rounds.
  • Let it rest for 30-40 min.
  • Brush the rolls with 1 beaten egg.
  • Bake for about 8-10 min at 225 degrees F.
  • Let the buns cool.

  • Cut off the top of the bun.
  • Scoop out some of the bun.
  • Mix it with almond paste and milk.
  • Fill up the bun again with the mixture.
  • Whip the cream and pipe it on to the bun.       
  • Put on the top and sprinkle it with icing sugar.

February 25, 2019

A rejuvenating dip in chilling water

Living in Stockholm for more than 3 years,I have heard so much about the winter bath in Swedish frozen lakes. To start with, I was scared of trying the adventure thanks to my swimming skills, or lack thereof. After thinking a number of seasons, I convinced myself to try it anyhow. I attribute this to “the 365 days challenge” I am going through, but more importantly to experience the wonderful feeling that winter bathers describe as purifying as being reborn.

Before the activity, my background research of the science behind icy bath revealed several interesting facts. The Indian yogis have been practicing cold water immersion for centuries. Cold water can literally be a fountain of youth, as its bracing effect cleanses deposits and toxins by opening the capillaries. A study from the US National Library of Medicine shows contradictory findings, arguing that ice baths can help to decrease post-workout inflammation. However, a study by the University of Auckland indicates that ice baths don’t reduce inflammation and can even hinder muscle growth, arguing that gentle post-workout exercise is a much better choice. The best way to find out if ice bath is right thing for you is to try out yourself, but in case of doubt please consult your GP for second opinion. I think your own polar plunge can help you see how your body reacts to it.

So after doing all the research and mustering all the courage, I went to Hellasgården (Website: to take my own polar dip. A hot sauna bath before the shivering cold dip is a common Swedish practice. The effect of hot sauna and cold water helps enhance immunity, increases metabolism and rejuvenates. My friends and I spent the whole Saturday noon exploring the icy bath experience. We took a number of rounds between the cold lake and hot sauna. We finished with a hot brew and delicious fika replenishing our energy. The public transport is really convenient to reach the place. Apart from the icy bath, one
can ice skate on the frozen lake or go for a long walk.

Now I really understand what all winter bathers talk about. I understand why it is something that some people do every winter. Slipping into black, frozen water does bring to mind the fate of people on the Titanic rather than the exciting prospect of a pleasant swim. Why would anyone take the plunge if they didn’t have to? Well, maybe because it’s not an extreme sport for masochists, but an experience that leaves you feeling fantastic and refreshed. I feel that I absolutely want to make this a tradition. To take an icy dip every winter!

 -Ranu Singh

Watch the video Below:

November 26, 2018

The real superhero: Stan Lee

The real superhero: Stan Lee
Ranu Singh

I remember my first superhero comic was my magic key to open the vast and undaunted world of superheroes and their captivating stories. The more I read, the more I was willing to understand the complex world of characters and their super powers. For me, these comics were not only full of vivid imagination but also targeted the general world issues. Most of the 80s and 90s kids get excited to talk about the comic’s culture of that time when Netflix and video games were not part of normal life.

No superhero conversation is complete without mentioning the name of Stan Lee, an important name in superhero industry who is credited with most of the famous characters. Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, Hulk, the Avengers to X-men are few of the famous creations of Stan Lee’s imagination. From a cluttered office on Madison Avenue in Manhattan in the 1960s, he helped conjure a lineup of pulp-fiction heroes that have come to define much of popular culture in the early 21st century. He created superheroes who were flawed and “human” with their own daily struggles of life.

A great storyteller and one of the favourite members of the Marvel family passed away last Monday 12 November 2018 in Los Angeles. Having created nearly all of Marvel’s most famous superheroes, Stan has long played in the movie adaptations of his comics. His special appearance in films are always appreciated and one of the highlights of the movies.

Stan was a central player in the creation of those characters and many more. Through his vision and hard work, he was able to grow Marvel Comics from a small publishing house to the giant it now is.

Like all superheroes, Stan Lee would be immortal in stories till the human history is read.

In his own words:

“The more you read, the better you’re going to become as a storyteller.”

 Stan Lee with John Romita in 1975  


Stan Lee, original name Stanley Martin Lieber was born December 28, 1922, New York U.S. He was the older of two sons born to Jack Lieber, an occasionally employed dress cutter, and Celia (Solomon) Lieber, both immigrants from Romania. The family settled in to the Bronx in the early age of Stanley’s life.

He graduated at 17 from DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx and aspired to be a writer of serious literature. He was set on the path to becoming a different kind of writer when, after a few false starts at other jobs, he was hired at Timely Publications, a company owned by Martin Goodman, a relative who had made his name in pulp magazines and was entering the comics field.


June 25, 2018

Andhra Pradesh

’a city is more than a place in space, it is a drama in time.’
-Patrick Geddes

A city is not only about its inhabitants but also about its old streets, gardens and old historical footprints. A city is as much known for its markets, famous food culture as for the people who live there. With every new construction the city builds up its history & culture. This is distinctly visible in the urban planning of any metro city. For example, when we talk about Delhi, the first thing that comes to many minds is the old town of Chandni chowk and its famous Paranthe-wali gali. And in case of Lucknow, its Tunde kabab or chikankari cross our mind first. These popular trademarks of cities have left imprints on its identity. No one knows how & when.

Most of the Indian metro cities are more than 500 years old. There are few evidences available that point to any historical urban planning in these cities, however major portions of area are planned as per usage. In any case, if we get chance to design a city from scratch today, it would give us immense control over city planning. With so much knowledge & so many tools available today we can design the new city for future while also keeping it sustainable.Too good to be true? Turns out, we could witness this in not so distant future. I was reading a Dezeen article recently about the new Indian capital of Andhra Pradesh.

Andhra Pradesh, a state in India, is located in the southeastern part of the subcontinent. It is surrounded by the Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Odisha and Telangana. Telangana was a region within Andhra Pradesh for almost six decades, but in 2014 it was carved off to form a separate state. Hyderabad is the temporary capital of Andhra pradesh till a new capital is in place. There are many big urban planning companies pursuing to be part of this historical opportunity of designing this new city. I found out that one of my favorite architectural firm Foster + Partners won the concept prize and working on the new capital planning.

So, how will the new city look like and what is it called?

Photo by Foster + Partners

The new capital of Andhra pradesh will be called Amravati. As per Foster + Partners, the new city’s masterplanning is set on the banks of river Krishna. The new city of Amaravati will cover 217 square kilometres and is set to be one of the most sustainable cities in the world. Surrounded by a freshwater lake at the centre of this "green spine", the legislative assembly building will be crowned by 250-metre-high conical roof, above a rippling overhanging canopy that will provide shade and allow cool breezes to move through the building. The centre of the city will be stretching 5.5 kilometers long and 1 kilometre wide, with ribbon-like lakes weaving around tree-lined boulevards. Over 60 per cent of this core area will be occupied by greenery or water, with cycle paths, water taxis and routes for electric cars providing green transport options. Shaded streets and squares have been designed to encourage people to walk.

The urban grid and central expanse of greenery are inspired from both New York's Central Park and Edwin Lutyens’ designs for Delhi.This new city’s planning will be starting soon and will take some years to become reality. Till then we could wish this would be a new Chandigarh of India. This city will definitely make a mark on history soon.

-By Ranu

May 24, 2018

Kista Galleria Food Court – Open Again!

There is always some buzz happening in Kista (Stockholm). People who work here, live here or visit here would agree that it’s one of the most active neighborhoods in Stockholm. Amongst all the interesting areas in Kista, the one that is most activity-rich is the Kista galleria. It is home to all wonderful things in life i.e. food, clothes & entertainment. With the risk of sounding superlative, I can claim that despite visiting Kista Galleria almost every day, every time I find something new. This is absolutely one of my favorite places in Kista especially to satiate my window shopping desires.
The most active & lively part of the Kista Galleria is the legendary food-court. It offers flavors from all over the globe. From Vietnamese to Mexican, from Indian to Middle-Eastern and all those cuisines there are; Food Court has you covered. And for my health freak friends, there are salad bars too.
Some weeks ago, in March, 2018 there was a fire in the food court area & the food court was closed. The fire was believed to have started in the ventilation system above the restaurant square. For some it might have been distressing, considering that the food court is usually full of people and a fire could jeopardize their safety. This is not the first time that Kista Galleria has had a brush with blazes. Earlier in 2006 and 2014 there have been fire incidents here & like this time safety of none of the visitors was compromised; moreover the galleria opened with a new fervor. So I was certain that we’d soon be able to enjoy our lunches at the food court. The south-west section of food court, with restaurants like The Viet Nam, Mongolian BBQ House, Lebanese Food, was open days after the fire.
To my delight, on Friday 18 May 2018, the other section of the food court started opening again with new & fresh layout, of course with some new restaurants as well. I hope the food court will soon be fully up and running to satisfy the guts of foodies like me.
 See you at the food court!!


May 3, 2018


Scandinavia's first driverless buses on public road


Autopiloten Kista, the first test of autonomous vehicles on public roads in Sweden is operating along Kistagången here in Kista Science City. The project is the first in the world with autonomous vehicles and 5G networks. Autopiloten is a project resulting from collaboration between Nobina Technology, Ericsson, SJ, KTH, Klövern AB, Kista Science City, Urban ICT Arena and the City of Stockholm with funding from Vinnova via Drive Sweden.
The electric minibuses operate between 7:00 and 18:00 on weekdays. The buses are shuttling between Kista Galleria and Victoria Tower in northern Stockholm along a 1.5 kilometre pre-recorded path at a speed of 20 kilometres an hour, using GPS and sensors to ensure they do not divert from the path. The buses in Kista will be free to use and both have space for 11 passengers at a time. They don’t have steering wheel as such, but can be operated manually if needed. A driver is on board to take control of the bus in case of emergency, as required under current legislation in Sweden. Starting 24th January 2018, two self-driving shuttle buses have been sharing the road with pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicles in Stockholm for 6 months. It is free and open for anyone to take ride.
Autopiloten is the first step in the government’s initiative to create ‘In Real Labs’ for future travel and transport through Drive Sweden. Several different skills are needed to develop autonomous vehicles. The partners involved in the project have knowledge, interest and drive to participate in and develop the public transport of the future.

Watch here :

My first swinger club encounter

My first swinger club encounter Picasso We were on girl’s trip to the most amazing capital city of Europe, Berlin. It w...